When You Know It’s Done

When you know it’s done — many may say it sounds harsh — but nobody knows it as well as you, and have lived it day by day and year.

When you know it’s done — many may say it sounds harsh — but nobody knows it as well as you, and have lived it day by day and year.

You know the manipulation, you know the control, and all the training in season taught you ever so well!!

You have graduated from hard knocks!  You have submitted to ‘kneeology’ and have lived and learned the lessons of life well about those who want you to be their savior and source.

You cannot fix the brokenhearted, the self-pity, pride, rejection, manipulation, and control etc.  Only God can fix this.

When you know it is done, the webs that bound you and shrouded your vision. melt away like the weaves and conspiracy of a black widow spider to suck the life out of her victim.

Look not to man to care for your soul, or put your trust in a man, for it will pierce your hand.  Man will always let you down, that is why your focus is to be on Jesus first — then he uses others to move on your behalf!

God is the only one Who can bind up the broken hearted.

We are not God, and we cannot do what only He can do, or we become an idol to them.  Let no spiritual lazy person latch on you and hold you captive by using your Christianity against you, to manipulate you!

When you know it is done, you can finally let go and move forward, giving total surrender to God!

Why?  Because you’re not God, and if you allow people to depend on you, they will never become accountable to God to get right with God.

We can stand in the way of God when we allow this to happen!

People can latch on to the Anointing or Gifting in your life without paying the price and flow leisurely on someone else’s flow in God.

Leeches dwell around the beloved of God, and that is how people can steal, or prostitute the Anointing!

Remember Simon the sorcerer in The Book of Acts?  They want the power without the price! (Acts 8:9-13)

I am done.

When you know it is done, the tears have vanished, finished, washed away, and the page turns to a new chapter as we cannot go back to relive a thing, only reflect on the history we have learned.

Doing something over and over again when it doesn’t work leads to insanity!  History is just that, and you can’t change or relive history!

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”
Attributed to Albert Einstein

But you have the free will and choice and can stop and just exist or give up and give in to being miserable.

No matter how hard we pray or try, when it is said and done it is finished!

Like Jesus said when He cried out on that Cross:  “It is finished!”

That moment was locked into history in the pages of text in The Holy Bible.  We cannot relive those days — but we learn from them through our history.

When you know it is done, is when you have finally released the weight of a burden that has been a heavy load on your back and neck keeping you bound to others own disobedience!

Therefore, keeping you from the fullness of seeing your obedience fulfilled.  No man is to take the place of Jesus!  We are to depend on Him and keep our focus on Him and His Will.

When you are done, you are fed up, your prayed up, fasted up, and sought God so long that it became too long!

When God says it is done, He takes His Sword and slices it right down the middle, and it cauterizes the wound immediately.

For the work of The Spirit of The LORD is powerful!  For His Word is quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing and even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the very thoughts and intents of the heart! (Hebrews 4:12)

God knows the motives of the heart and mind, therefore we should learn how to know God’s mind.

How?  By knowing His Word and reading The Bible and being obedient to His Word.

When you know it is done, you have no remorse or recourse to follow in cleaning up.

Sure, we hate that folks go through things, and we hate to hear about suffering and discipline — but God is moving people according to His Plan — not man’s!

It is not wise to stand when God has said to move!  Should we stay — or obey?  That should be your question.

When you know it is done, you no longer take responsibility for something that isn’t yours.  Each person must learn to take responsibility for themselves, and no longer lean on the flesh of man.

We know we are done, we realize we are part of a body that internally is perfect, but outwardly fleshly not.

We must be accountable and obedient to God, and we cannot blame The Church for actions and reactions — when each person must face himself!

The Church is composed of many flawed people who are failures — but are saved by Grace, and they understand when they fall, they get back up again.

When we know we are done, God takes people who fail and uses them to bless others.

Church is not about perfection, but we are a forward — always moving — Church, and we do our best to obey!

We strive not to get stuck or backslidden, but in our heart, we want obedience and excellence in Christ, and to be on the go and ready as The Glory Cloud moves, we want to move with him!!

The Church is a unit of flawed people who come together as they are, to gather and worship The LORD!

Also, within The Church, is a place made to provide rest to them that are weary, and to bind up the brokenhearted and to strengthen the blind, lame and them who are bruised and wounded from this life.

When The Church gathers, it is powerful, because when we are many, we are a force to be reckoned with and are safe!

When we are alone and isolated, the enemy will batter us and keep us bound to demonic chains and regulations of bondage.

It is a nest for new Believers, safety from the storm, and discipleship to follow in our LORD’s steps.

Do we fail?  Yes — but we want to be free from sin to get right and to flow with Christ again.

Within The Church there are challenges on every level — with relationships, and illness, various events in outreach to reach the world.

When we know we are done — when repentance comes — we turn away from the sin that that so easily besets us.  If we fail many times in a day, we can always bend our knee and ask The LORD to forgive us again!

Dear Reader, self-hatred is a war within your world and Jesus is so concerned for you.

Jesus reached out His Hands on that Cross — once and for all — giving us a new and living way!

Each day, and in every moment, when we fail and fall, we can begin again!

It is never too late to begin again in Jesus!

But how can we love anyone else if we cannot love ourselves?

Jesus loves us so much, and it pains him when we hate ourselves.

We are to love The LORD with all our heart, our soul, and with all our mind and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

God is the only one who can mend a broken heart.

The Sorcerer’s Profession of Faith
“But there was a certain man called Simon, who previously practiced [a]sorcery in the city and astonished the people of Samaria, claiming that he was someone great, to whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, “This man is the great power of God.”  And they heeded him because he had astonished them with his sorceries for a long time.  But when they believed Philip as he preached the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized.  Then Simon himself also believed; and when he was baptized he continued with Philip, and was amazed, seeing the miracles and signs which were done.”   Acts 8:9-13


In HIS Grace and Mercy,
~ Sherry Edwards Mackey

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Author: newbeginninginternational.net

Sherry Edwards Mackey Founder of New Beginning Christian Ministries International since February 1990. Authors “Catch Of the Day” a prophetic word in season revealing the heart and mind of God. The gospel must be preached and “published” throughout the whole world before the coming of the Lord. We believe we will witness the greatest out pouring of revival the world has ever seen, empowering many with Holy Ghost Fire causing the great end time harvest to be gathered in.

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