Preparing For The Storm!

Invade our hearts God!  Invade our entire soul!  May You guide us and invade us with Your Glory!


You know when a Storm approaches, the barometric pressure drops and begins to bottom out so that low pressure is where the Storms form, and every other cloud in the atmosphere finds itself becoming connected to the one big massive Storm.

When the Storm approaches, it comes and you can actually feel the pressure and the reality of what is happening.

You can feel it, but not necessarily see it, because it is much like The Glory of God!

I want MORE God — and I want what I have read in Scripture that happened for He is no respecter of persons.  I want to remain bringing Glory to God!

Yes LORD, let your Shekinah Glory Cloud invade our lives and hearts as we seek your favor and presence!

Invade our hearts God!  Invade our entire soul!  May You guide us and invade us with Your Glory!

For the Glory of The LORD shall be revealed all flesh will see it together for the mouth of The LORD has spoken it!

He brings all flesh to nothing and He is speaking loud and clear in creation and His Works shall stand.

As the Storm clouds form, the clouds circulating around in that Storm are getting pulled in like a tornado spins.

May the Whirlwinds of The LORD pull many into the reality of God’s miraculous creation and His presence, in Jesus’ Name!

When the Glory came into the Temple, the priest could not stand because of the Glory Cloud!

I want that back!  We need this back!  It is weighty and powerful and I have witnessed and seen this in my house!

We must keep our focus on Him, and our attention not on man but on Him.

As I continue my trek God is opening His Treasures and I am with Him in the type of barometric pressure He uses as an illustration that is bringing The Glory down, so the Reign will come!

Send it on down, send it on down LORD!  Let your Holy Ghost come on down!

LORD, we give you glory and honor!  May your Shekinah come as our hearts, minds, spirits become one with You LORD!

I pray to God the Father you are first and I will do my best and you take care of the rest, in Jesus’ Name!

“The trumpeters and singers joined together to praise and thank The LORD with one voice. They lifted up their voices, accompanied by trumpets, cymbals, and musical instruments, in praise to The LORD: “For He is good; His loving devotion endures forever.” And the temple, the house of The LORD, was filled with a cloud so that the priests could not stand there to minister because of the cloud; for the glory of The LORD filled the house of God.”   2 Chronicles 5:13.

Image © Frank Cone – Pexels

In HIS Grace and Mercy,
~ Sherry Edwards Mackey

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Sherry Edwards Mackey Founder of New Beginning Christian Ministries International since February 1990. Authors “Catch Of the Day” a prophetic word in season revealing the heart and mind of God. The gospel must be preached and “published” throughout the whole world before the coming of the Lord. We believe we will witness the greatest out pouring of revival the world has ever seen, empowering many with Holy Ghost Fire causing the great end time harvest to be gathered in.

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